Itchy Eyes & Pretty Brides { Guest Post }

Hey y’all! Can you see me? Good. ‘Cause I can’t see dirt. My vision is worse than normal today because I’m giving my eyes a rest from the contacts and wearing my glasses instead. It’s been two days and already they feel a lot less itchy and dry. Spring hasn’t exactly sprung up in Virginia just yet, but we’re getting there. Enough so that allergies are hitting all of us pretty bad. Like me and my eyeballs. If you’ve ever been to Virginia, you know our weather is silly. It makes no sense. Like Wednesday it rained all day – literally all day – and by the time I left work the sun was shining, the sky was blue, and it was 70 degrees. Yesterday was in the 50s all day and breezy. This morning, at the butt crack of dawn, my drive to work was quite chilly at 28 degrees, and now it’s 50-something and half sunny/half cloudy.

Don’t make no sense.

Other than the allergies and all the stress in my life lately, I’m coming up on a bunch of fun photo shoots I’m really excited about. This past Wednesday I photographed my good friends Jason & Cristina (who is gorgeous enough to be a frickin’ model, I swear), I have an engagement shoot tomorrow bright and early in Colonial Williamsburg, and I’m photographing my best friend Jackie on St. Patty’s Day (who is equally gorgeous).

Let’s just go ahead and say I pretty much only have completely beautiful friends. I mean look:

I’m spoiled, clearly.

This is my favorite time of year to photograph anyone. I don’t know what it is about me, but I absolutely can’t stand bare trees. They make me feel depressed. Like the world is dying. But that may be a little melodramatic. I love the fall and the spring and certain times in the summer. I am not a winter girl unless it’s a warm sweater, a cup of tea and a good book. And maybe a fluffy puppy to snuggle with.

I am so beyond excited for this engagement shoot tomorrow, and I already can’t wait to share the photos with y’all next week! She already told me what they’re wearing. She’s wearing a cute dress and he’s wearing a preppy gingham button-down shirt with a bow tie. How adorable is that?!

Until next time, lovelies!

And be sure to follow me on TwitterFacebook, and on my blog, of course, Coffee Rings & Southern Things.

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