Jackson Metro Posters + A Trunk Show!

Hey y’all!

How was your weekend? Price was gone this weekend so I was able to get so much done that I haven’t had time to do the past few weeks/months! It felt great to really tackle my list and cross through a few big things!

One of the things on my list was to get a digital form of the Jackson Metro mapΒ that was originally painted on aΒ wall at Arco Avenue cleaned up and sent in to get printed into posters!! At the request of several friends, this is going to be a real thing in a matter of a week or so! I’m SO excited!

I’m also having some clear overlays printed to put on top of the map so you can actually see where all the stops are! Pretty excited about that too. πŸ™‚

Here’s the map:

Jackson Metro map (If Jackson, MS were to have a subway) by The Lovely Bee for Arco Avenue

And here’s the overlay:

Jackson Metro map (If Jackson, MS were to have a subway) by The Lovely Bee for Arco Avenue

And here’s what they look like together!

Jackson Metro map (If Jackson, MS were to have a subway) by The Lovely Bee for Arco Avenue

I’m especially excited to see how these turn out in person!!! Enough with the computer files, I need something I can hold!!! πŸ™‚

Speaking of… πŸ™‚

I’m teaming up with Katie at Arco Avenue for a TRUNK SHOW to debut these babies! I’ll also have some notecards (plus an overlay to go with!) of the Jackson Metro design as well!

The date is Friday, August 22 from 12-6 so mark those calendars!

The Lovely Bee TRUNK SHOW at Arco Avenue on 8/22 debuting JACKSON METRO posters!

I’ll have some regular TLB items in addition to all of the map stuff, plus some fun little snacks and champagne waiting for ya, too! πŸ˜‰

Thank you so much for stopping by today, and I hope to see y’all on 8/22 if not before! It’ll be lots of fun! And you can shop Katie’s KILLER fall merch while you’re in there too! So much gorgeousness!

πŸ™‚ XO!

Moustache Mania!

Well, yesterday was spent in the midst of MOUSTACHE MANIA! I’m in the process of getting the Etsy store current again (the past couple of months have been so crazy that I kinda let it fall by the wayside) and yesterday was “update some of the moustache listings” day. The two I worked on mostly are both new and I’m so excited to introduce them to you!

Drumroll please…


Sunny 'Staches by The Lovely Bee

I’ve been obessing over bright colors lately, I think because I’m sooo ready for Spring to just hurry up and get here! It seems like every time Spring starts setting up shop, Winter just blows right over him again 😦 SO, these Sunny ‘Staches are my winter combatant!

Sunny 'Staches by The Lovely Bee

Sunny 'Staches by The Lovely Bee

Sunny 'Staches by The Lovely Bee

And since mustaches/moustaches (however the heck you spell that word…) are so much fun, I carried out an idea I had a few weeks ago…


Moustache Confetti by The Lovely Bee

So fun, right?!

Moustache Confetti by The Lovely Bee

Moustache Confetti by The Lovely Bee

Each ‘stache is about 7/8″ wide, so they’re a great little size. And each bag comes with about 360 pieces!

Moustache Confetti by The Lovely Bee

I sort of want to throw a Lipstick and ‘Staches party and use these as decor. I’m thinking about making some lip confetti too, which would be really fun to use at little girl birthday parties or bachelorette parties or something! Anyway… Just thinking out loud… πŸ™‚

To buy the SUNNY STACHES or MOUSTACHE CONFETTI, just take a visit to my Etsy store! (And I PROMISE, more inventory is coming soon!)