Clean & Healthy Pumpkin Muffins

Around our house this month, we’re all about healthy. We’ve actually teamed up with my brother and his wife Katie and have started January Health Month. We’re all trying to lose a few pounds and inches while getting healthy.

We’re working out consistently. Trying to limit processed carbs. Eating as few desserts as possible. Cutting back on alcoholic drinks. Drinking more water. And WISHING we could eat bad food!

Yes. Health Month is in full force!

Paleo Pumpkin Muffins // THE HIVE

To add more variety to what we can eat without feeling bad about ourselves, we’ve been forced to get creative. And this Paleo Pumpkin Recipe is one of our FAVES! We feel like we are eating something sweet and bad for you, but it’s really 100% healthy!

This lovely recipe is a hybrid of 2 or 3 I’ve found, adapted to make it super healthy!

Paleo Pumpkin Muffins // THE HIVE

( makes 12 )

>> What you’ll need <<

1 1/4 cups of ground almonds (which I do in the food processor until the almonds are basically a powder)
1 15 oz. can of 100% pumpkin puree
3 eggs
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
1½ tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1/8 tsp. kosher salt
3 tbl. stevia
1 tbl. honey

>> What you’ll do <<

– Preheat the oven to 350.
– Grease muffin tins with non-stick spray.
– Use electric mixer to combine all ingredients.
– Spoon the mixture evenly into the muffin tins.
– Bake for 25 – 30 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.

These things are SO good warm out of the oven with a little Smart Balance spread on them… They’re also good just at room temp in the middle of the work day! 🙂 YUMMO!!

Paleo Pumpkin Muffins // THE HIVE

Hope you have a great day!!! Thanks for stopping by!