Peanut Butter Mocha Protein Smoothie

What’s up y’all?

Happy happy Friday!!

I don’t know about y’all, but there are many days when I feel like I could use an extra boost. Extra caffeine, extra protein, extra dose of healthy… The list could go on and on!

For days like that, I’ve come up with a smoothie recipe that I’m sort of addicted to right now… I think I’ve had one every day this week, actually!!

Peanut Butter Mocha Protein Smoothie. Packed with protein and other healthy goodness! // THE HIVE>> What you’ll need <<

1 serving instant coffee (I like Starbucks Via)
4 packets of stevia
2 TBL cocoa powder
2 TBL peanut butter protein (I like PB2)
1/4 TSP vanilla extract
1/2 cup 0% Greek yogurt (I like Fage)
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 cup ice

>> What you’ll do <<

Stick all of this in a blender and mix until smooth. Pour into your glass and ENJOY!

Peanut Butter Mocha Protein Smoothie. Packed with protein and other healthy goodness! // THE HIVE

Peanut Butter Mocha Protein Smoothie. Packed with protein and other healthy goodness! // THE HIVE

The finished product has about 160 calories and 18 grams of protein! Score!

I hope you like this as much as I do! If you try it and add any variations, I’d love to hear! Thanks for stopping by today and have an AWESOME weekend!!!

Carrot – Grapefruit – Mango Smoothie

I stumbled across a wonderful recipe via Pinterest the other day that I’ve already enjoyed twice since Monday! It’s from a blog called Katie at the Kitchen Door and it’s for a Carrot-Grapefruit-Mango Smoothie!

Carrot - Grapefruit - Mango Smoothie Recipe

The color was what initially drew me to it. Then when I saw the list of ingredients, my hunch that the recipe was healthy was confirmed!  The only ingredients are carrots, mango, and grapefruit, plus a little water, ice, and optional sweetener (which I did add. Two pinches of stevia to be exact!)

Carrot - Grapefruit - Mango Smoothie RecipeCarrot - Grapefruit - Mango Smoothie Recipe Check out the full recipe here so you can be sure to get your proportions right! Hope you love it as much as I do! It’s PERFECT for this time of year and might be even more perfect as those temps keep rising!

Carrot - Grapefruit - Mango Smoothie Recipe

Drink up!