Twelve Dollar Bottle :: Los Vascos

Well, happy Friday to all! It has been ENTIRELY too long since I posted a new Twelve Dollar Bottle review! So sorry about that!

Today I’ll remedy that! 🙂 The six reviewers from the very first edition of Twelve Dollar Bottle, whom you can familiarize yourself with HERE, are reviewing a lovely bottle of cab in today’s post!

(For those of you who are not familiar with the concept of Twelve Dollar Bottle, it’s just a fun column where six people (whose wine knowledge is about average) get together, drink a glass of wine together from a bottle that costs twelve bucks or less, and discuss what they taste!)

Here’s a quick recap of the reviewing cast:

Mister President is my dad Lee.
The Heart-Of-Gold-Housewife would be my mother Mary.
The Legal Counsel/Mr. Attorney is my husband Price.
The Corn Bagger is my darling twin brother Jordan.
The Shoe Shop Fashionsita is my sweet sis-in-law Katie.
The Blogging Paper Girl would be me!

>>>>> Now for the review!! <<<<<

Twelve Dollar Bottle : Los Vascos // THE HIVE

The Blogging Paper Girl: The bottle we are reviewing is Los Vascos cab sav from Chile!

The Heart-Of-Gold House Wife: Mmmmm, Chile!

The Corn Bagger: Is this in honor of Gus?

…silence and blank faces all around…

Corn Bagger: Freign…

(Note: This is a Breaking Bad reference. If you’re not familiar with the show, then this will make no sense! But Price and I also have a dog whose nickname is Gus!)

Paper Girl: Gus Freign! Yeah!

The Legal Counsel: I thought you were talking about the dog Gus…

Paper Girl: I did too at first! I was like… What does our dog have to do with Chile… Anyway…

Mister President: Ok. Let’s go for it…

Corn Bagger: It’s got a real peppery start.

Paper Girl: Yeah it does. It’s spicy

Corn Bagger: Great spicy start

Fashionista: I like it!

Housewife: I do tooooooo

Corn Bagger: It’s like a gun on a starting line…

Fashionista: It smells really good too

Paper Girl: Yeah it does. Like my first sip I could feel it in my nostrils.

Housewife: Oooohh I like that!

Legal Counsel: Is that a good thing?

Paper Girl: Yeah… That’s the sign of a good peppery wine. Hey Daddy, you look deep in thought!

President: I wish I had command of what I was going to say… but if you hold it on your tongue, it just kinda gets fuller and fuller.

Paper Girl: That’s cool. Let me try that!

Corn Bagger: It’s expansive.

Fashionista: It’s really smooth though too…

Corn Bagger: It’s expanding.

President: It is smooth. Very smooth.

Housewife: Yeah! I can feel it on my upper palette in a good way. It’s kind of warm…

Corn Bagger: Is anyone else picking up a slightly dry finish that’s really nice?

…more silence…

Corn Bagger: Just a little bit of a dry finish…?

Housewife: I guess I’ll go for that!

President: I know it has a very smooth finish

Legal Counsel: It’s kinda smoky tasting to me. I think it would be good with a cigar!

Paper Girl: Oh yeah, it probably would…. It would probably be good with, um… for some reason I’m picturing it being a good accompaniment to ice cream. Like take a bite of ice cream then sip…

Fashionista: I brought ice cream! We can try it later!

President: What kind of fruit are y’all tasting?

Corn Bagger: The fruit…

President: It’s almost like it’s blackberry… or currant…

Legal Counsel: I was thinking berry

Paper Girl: I’m getting the berry vibe.

Corn Bagger: I think the spice overpowers the fruit.

President: In my mind the fruit wins. I’m going back to the ice cream thing…. I keep thinking ice cream with some fruit on top of it.

Corn Bagger: The fruit is present to give the spice a platform…

Fashionista: So what fruit did you say y’all taste?

Paper Girl: Berries… black berries…

Fashionista: I taste cherry

Legal Counsel: I taste grapes…

President: I would say cherry too. yeah.

Paper Girl: I’m with Jordan, I think the spice overpowers the fruity.

Fashionista: It does!

Corn Bagger: The fruit launches the spice. You can’t have the spice with no fruit.

Paper Girl: This is something that is definitely enjoyed slowly…. I feel…. This is not a wine you would drink too fast on accident. because it is kinda strong.

Legal Counsel: It gives you a warm feelin’. in the back of your throat. This is a quality grape juice.

Housewife: And it’s a lovely color

Fashionista: Can i read what it says on the back?

President: Yeah!

Fashionista: This wine is fresh, gentle, consistent, and very fruity with a slightly spicy finish.

Paper Girl: We nailed it!

Legal Counsel: It appears that the bottle says the fruit overpowers the spice…

Corn Bagger: Yeah i would have said very spicy with a slightly fruity base. But they know best!

Paper Girl: We’re all beating around the right bush.

Housewife: Mmmm hmmmm

Corn Bagger: What year was this vintage?

Legal Counsel: 2010

Corn Bagger: Mmmm. I heard there was some great weather that year.

President: So this was a sub twelve dollar bottle?

Paper Girl: Yes it was!

Housewife: I really like it and I think it tastes expensive.

Paper Girl: I would definitely buy it again!

Fashionista: Oh, me too!

President: I wouldn’t mind serving it to… well.. anybody!

Fashionista: It’s powerful. Makes a statement!

Housewife: I agree Katie!

>>>>> And… Scene! <<<<<

Here’s a recap: The spice overpowers the fruit. Or does the fruit overpower the spice? Either way, it’s super fruity, would be great with ice cream, and makes Breaking Bad fans think of the one and only GUS.

Winery: Los Vascos
Type: Cabernet Sauvignon
Region: Colchagua, Chile
Year: 2010
Cost: $10

For the other Twelve Dollar Bottle reviews, CLICK HERE! And have a great weekend!