Lovely Lately

Lately, I’ve been surrounded by so much LOVELY that I wanted to share a few highlights / things that make me happy / things that I just find wonderful!

1. Hitting the washi tape jackpot at Target.

My sweet friend Mary Kathleen let me come over and help play with setting up the nursery of the baby boy she’s expecting next month, and she needed some washi tape for a certain project, so thanks to her, I knew to be on the lookout for some!

Target has tons of Washi tape!

2. Getting a glittery wedding invitation!

Price is in a wedding on New Year’s Eve this year, and we got the invitation in the mail last week. The glitter lining made my day! How gorgeous is this invitation?!

Wedding on NYE -- LOVE the glitter envelope! // { THE HIVE }

3. A little C. H. Spurgeon wisdom

Came across this Spurgeon quote while doing a little reading the other day and loved it.

C. H. Spurgeon

4. Noticing something I’ve passed 1,000 times for the first time.

As I was driving through Fondren earlier this week, I was at a stop light and noticed something I’ve never noticed in all my years of driving through this area… The window panes on the top floor of the building across from Ramey are painted yellow! Made me realize that I need to be more observant and take note of cool little details like that more often… 🙂

Yellow window panes // { THE HIVE }

5. Airstreams + awesome food in Pensacola…

A couple of weekends ago, I was in Pensacola visiting a friend, and she and her hubby took me to al Fresco, which is basically a little food truck park. The best part? All of the food was served out of AIRSTREAMS! (I’m a little obsessed.) The second best part? The food was awesome.

al Fresco in Pensacola // { THE HIVE }

6. More airstream + food fabulousness in Memphis…

Last weekend, my friend Avery and I went to Memphis for the day to spend some time with our sweet friend Elizabeth. As we were walking around, we came upon a mini Airstream that served froyo! Although it wasn’t in service at the time we found it, we still thought it was pretty awesome. (Ok, I thought it was awesome… Not sure the other two share my love for Airstreams!)

YoLo airstream in Memphis // { THE HIVE }

7. Drinks atop The Madison in Memphis

Also while in Memphis, Elizabeth took us to the top of the super swank Madison Hotel! We had a blast, and got a gorgeous view of the city. Good times!

Drinks atop The Madison in Memphis // { THE HIVE }

8. Getting my Merry Christmas stamp in!

After taking a caligraphy class with some friends last month, I decided I’d put some of my new-found skillz to use! I wrote out Merry Christmas in calig, had it made into a stamp, and plan to get my stamp on with all The Lovely Bee Christmas cards I’ve been working on lately!

Merry Christmas stamp for The Lovely Bee!

9. Doing the Anthro Christmas Display Workshop

Mary Straton signed me up for a fun little workshop at Anthropologie where we got to help them do crafts for their Christmas window display! Although we didn’t get to take anything home with us, I got some ideas, and we were rewarded with champagne punch and snacks! We were happy girls 😉

Anthropologie Christmas Display Workshop // { THE HIVE }

10. A little B&V wisdom…

I’ve had so much fun getting to do the social media for Blithe and Vine in Fondren! Their motto is “Life is short. Dress cute.” so I’m going with it… Life is short, so why not dress cute?!

"Life is short. Dress cute."

I hope you all have a FANTASTIC weekend!! Thanks so much for stopping by! XO!

Introducing… Make Your MARX

After getting a little feedback from you guys, I’ve decided to make the moustache pattern, Make Your MARX, a permanent pattern in The Lovely Bee’s repertoire! It started off as sort of a random weekend, “hey I wonder what a moustache on a card would look like” project and turned into something really fun!

Make Your Marx | stationery by The Lovely Bee

There are currently two styles of staches: Monacle and Captain. Monocle is the name of the stache with the curled up ends. I just picture an old bald man with this moustache and a monocle in a tux at a big fancy ball. Might be a little far-fetched, but whatever!
Captain is the simpler of the two, because it makes me think of an old Confederate captain from the Civil War in his uni and cap. Again… far-fectched, but I don’t care!

Captain, left. Monacle, Right.

Captain, left. Monocle, Right.

Keep an eye out for these to be added to the the mix at Arco Avenue, plus they’ll be on my Etsy store, which is opening THIS WEEK! (Finally.)

All That Glitters…

Twinkly. Sparkly. Sequiny. Glittery.

I love things that sparkle!

Whether it’s pretty lights or bright eye-catching sequins and glitter, I truly love how mesmerizing a good burst of brightness is! (This is evidenced by my Pinterest boards dedicated to lights and sequins!) Here are some of my faves that have been put on my radar, via Pinterest (one of the best internet inventions ever!)

Sample from my "all that glitters" board... It's by Alberta Ferretti. So gorgeous!

Sample from my “all that glitters” board… It’s by Alberta Ferretti. So gorgeous!

A lovely, sparkly dinner party from my "twinkles & sparkles" board

A lovely, sparkly dinner party from my “twinkles & sparkles” board

You. Me. Oui. Found over on Anthropologie's tumblr!

You. Me. Oui. Found over on Anthropologie’s tumblr!

James King's shoes are the shiz!

James King’s shoes are the shiz! Love her sweater too.

Paris at midnight

Paris at midnight. I had the incredible opportunity to see the Eiffel Tower as it sparkled (which is only the first 5 minutes of every hour after the sun goes down) this past May. It was truly GORGEOUS!

Hi, Mr. Marx!

Hi, Mr. Marx!

This love for that sort of prettiness was part of what inspired the newest intros from The Lovely Bee!

The golden ‘stache (which I’m thinking will be called Make Your Marx { a la Groucho Marx } unless y’all want to suggest something better?!) and the wayfarer glasses, which I have yet to name, both incorporate a fair amount of this glitter and sparkle that I so love!



the golden stache...

the golden stache…

Which of the two is your favorite? I’d love your input! Keep your eyes peeled for these to be in the soon-to-exist Etsy store! 🙂