One Seriously Awesome Apartment

I love yellow.
I love 70s style.
I love great interiors.
I love Amy Adams.

That’s why, when we saw American Hustle a few weeks ago, I was absolutely SMITTEN with the apartment that Amy Adams’s character Sydney (or Lady Greensly to some!) lived in…

I was searching for pictures of it and found a really great site called Retro Renovation! On this site, the editor did some great research in getting the scoop behind the design of the homes in the movie. It’s a pretty interesting read, especially if you’ve seen the movie!

Anyway, I wanted to share a couple of my favorite pictures from the article… I’m just IN LOVE with this place! I’m a sucker for white painted brick, grasscloth, white upholstery, and yellow accents… So it’s easy to see why this place takes my breath away!

American Hustle set design love...  <3 // THE HIVE

American Hustle set design love...  <3 // THE HIVE

American Hustle set design love...  <3 // THE HIVE

American Hustle set design love...  <3 // THE HIVE

What do you think?! Do you love it as much as I do, or were you more into the style of Jennifer Lawrence’s character’s home? (Pictures of her home are also in the article!)

Check out the original source for the photos above and the story behind the set design (plus more) RIGHT HERE! Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great one!

My Favorite Room :: The Family Room

Today is another My Favorite Room day!

My super cute friend Amanda Wells (whose fun blog you can catch here! And who is also a very talented writer, DIY professional, and super cute mom of three!) gave us all the details on her awesome family room! I love the style of her home and enjoyed learning more about her favorite room in her house! I think you’ll enjoy, too! 🙂

My Favorite Room :: The Family Room // Amanda Wells for { THE HIVE }

What is your favorite room in your house?
Our family room.

What about this room makes you love it so much?
It’s where our whole family (Nathan, myself, and our three kids) spend most of our time. It’s where we relax and spend time together. I’ve tried to really make it a fun place that our kids want to hang out. All I’ve ever really wanted my house to be is a great place for them to grow up!

My Favorite Room :: The Family Room // Amanda Wells for { THE HIVE }

If you had to pick your favorite element in the room, what would it be?
Probably the pops of color! I have a thing for bold, bright color mixed with black and white, and believe it or not, this room is evidence of my restraining myself. It’s a miracle that every wall isn’t painted a different color. Overall, I love that the family room is comfy and fun.

My Favorite Room :: The Family Room // Amanda Wells for { THE HIVE }

My Favorite Room :: The Family Room // Amanda Wells for { THE HIVE }

What’s your paint color?
A very basic Antique White by Valspar. You can buy it pre-tinted at Lowe’s. Since I change my mind a whole lot, I couldn’t commit to an actual shade, so we used this throughout our house.

My Favorite Room :: The Family Room // Amanda Wells for { THE HIVE }

At what time of day do you most enjoy being in this room?
Really, all day, because we are there most of the day. The girls stumble in in the morning and sit in here to fully wake up, it’s where homework is done and it’s where we do our nighttime reading and prayers before bed. Plus, when they go to bed, it’s where my husband and I unwind, whether it’s watching TV or just having an uninterrupted, adult conversation.

If you had to describe this room in three words, what would they be?
Playful, funky and cozy.

My Favorite Room :: The Family Room // Amanda Wells for { THE HIVE }

Anything else you want us to know about your favorite room?
Having kids, I want my house to be a haven and a sanctuary for them, a place where they fit into the picture, so to speak. BUT – I believe it can still look good, too. It’s their home too, after all. I lived in the same house my entire life and I want my kids to have those memories of home that I cherish. I use a lot of family pieces and a lot of collected things that hold some sort of memory. I believe that’s what gives a house its character and soul and makes a house a home. And, it’s always changing. I joke that I have serious House ADD.

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Love it, Amanda! I love the whole black and white + color thing, too. 🙂 #kindredspirits!

Be sure to stay up to date with what all Amanda has going on by keeping up with her blog! I love following this lovely girl! She’s just the bee’s knees! Wouldn’t you agree? 🙂

My Favorite Room :: The SummerHouse Room

Today, I bring you the third installment in the My Favorite Room series! I’m having so much fun seeing the favorite interior spaces of a few friends of mine! Today, The Wowie shares about her gorgeous living room!! Here we go…!

1.What is your favorite room in your house?

My favorite room is our “SummerHouse” room. I call it that because most of the furniture is from Summerhouse, and one of their talented designers helped me choose fabrics. I know what I like… pretty much everything. Never hurts to ask for some help to narrow things down a bit.

My Favorite Room // The Wowie for { THE HIVE }

My Favorite Room // The Wowie for { THE HIVE }

2. What about this room makes you love it so much?

The SummerHouse slogan is “Always Summer,” but the SummerHouse room motto is “Always Clean.” Unlike the keeping room, there are no piles of mail or laundry. No toys. No dirty little boys. Even when the entire house is a disaster, this room is neat and tidy. So, I hide in a corner with a glass of wine and pretend the whole place is spotless.

3. If you had to pick your favorite element in the room, what would it be?

I really like that we didn’t cram this room with a lot of filler. Everything has some meaning. We have trophies that belonged to both of our fathers…my father in law’s debate trophy and my father’s football trophy. SK’s homerun balls from Dixie Youth Baseball are in the bookcase. Our children’s silhouettes by Clay Rice, a set of 1960s science encyclopedias that my sister gave me, other gifts from family, pieces by local artists… we tried to make everything special.

My Favorite Room // The Wowie for { THE HIVE }

My Favorite Room // The Wowie for { THE HIVE }

And had you asked my favorite piece of furniture in the entire house, it would be this chest in the dining room. We got it at a local antique store to use as a changing table in Graham’s nursery. I liked it because it was taller (like me), and I didn’t have to bend down to change him. Once he was potty trained, it began its second life.

My Favorite Room // The Wowie for { THE HIVE }

Didn’t we all.

Not a real question. Incorrect room. Let’s get back on track…

4. What’s your paint color?

I have no idea. Isn’t that a terrible answer? I do know that I would like to paint it white. Two things stand in my way. There are 10,020 different shades of white paint. And I don’t paint.

5. At what time of day do you most enjoy being in this room?

If I get up in time, I love to have my coffee here. Since the windows in the room face the east, there is lots of natural light first thing in the morning. This time of year is perfect for opening the two sets of double doors to the screen porch and enjoying the beautiful weather. All the colors are calming, and it is the perfect place to start the day.

My Favorite Room // The Wowie for { THE HIVE }

And I truly enjoy it that one day a year I don’t peel myself out of bed at the last possible minute and drink my coffee while applying makeup in the car. (Kidding about the makeup… I’m too busy texting).

6. If you had to describe this room in three words, what would they be?

No toys allowed.

7. Anything else you want us to know about your favorite room?

We put our Christmas tree in here and entertain guests here. We snuggle up for family movie night and have our dance parties here. This room doesn’t see as much traffic as the rest of our house, but it does hold the best memories.

My Favorite Room // The Wowie for { THE HIVE }

Thank you so much to The Wowie for sharing her favorite room! So much fun… I love it!

I’ve got another gorgeous favorite room to show y’all next week from my friend Katie at A Beautiful Blog. Y’all are going to love it! Especially if you loved Mary Straton’s favorite room… 🙂 Stay tuned! XO!

The Latest Portico

If you’re looking for a good read for during the holidays, might I suggest picking up the latest issue of Portico Jackson Magazine? The past couple of months, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to write the Edibles and Elixirs stories, but this month, I had the honor of interviewing Bob LaCour, a Mississippi native who is now big-timing in L.A. as an interior designer, and write a piece pertaining in no way to food or drink! Hah!

December issue of Portico Jackson Magazine

Bob is SUCH a nice guy, and super talented on top of that. Pick up a copy (Lemuria and Barnes&Noble both have it on the stands) and read about the adventures he’s had as a designer over the past couple of decades. I promise you’ll enjoy his story (and you’ll love the pictures even more!)