Boy + Girl

I’ve been working hard lately getting some inventory together for the On a LARK show that I’m going to be in on December 7th! (That explains why I’ve been completely MIA all this week on here!)

In doing so, I’ve made up a few new patterns, gotten some Christmas goodies underway, and added to my confetti repertoire!

For some reason, confetti gets me super excited… Possibly because I heart parties and confetti goes at them! And since I’ve found out in the past two weeks that two of my dear friends are pregnant (which potentially means gender reveal parties!), the lip and mustache confettis have been top of mind!

I updated the Etsy store today with new color additions… Nothing super special, but fun nonetheless!

Gray Mustache Confetti // The Lovely Bee

New color! Gray ‘staches!

Boy + Girl Confetti // The Lovely Bee

The old colors… Tried & true! Coral and Black

Lips Confetti // The Lovely Bee

New lip color! Persimmon

Boy + Girl Confetti // The Lovely Bee

Black and Gray 'Stache Confetti // The Lovely Bee

Boy + Girl Confetti // The Lovely Bee

The lips and staches are also super fun for couples showers! Any boy + girl funtion, really, would be a great setting for these fun little guys (and gals!) I hope you like! You can click on any of the pictures and it’ll take you to the etsy listings!

Stay tuned for some more recent projects. I’m pretty stoked about the Christmas stuff and the collection of stationery that is done out of all whites and creams… SO DREAMY!! You’ll see it soon! 🙂