My Favorite Room :: Sam’s Nursery

Today’s edition in the My Favorite Room series is from my darling friend Katie from A Beautiful Blog! Katie and I used to work together at SummerHouse until she moved back to Birmingham a couple of years ago, but thanks to blogging, we’re able to keep up with each other really well! 🙂

Her favorite room is her son Sam’s nursery… I’m in love!! Check it out…

My Favorite Room // A Beautiful Blog for { THE HIVE }

1. What is your favorite room in your house?
My son Sam’s nursery is definitely my new favorite room, not to mention the only room that I can say with confidence is finished in our home!

2. What about this room makes you love it so much?
I love the light this room gets during the day! It is such a happy room, and some of my best organization can be found here (and these days, only here!). I also love the sweet baby smell it has 🙂

My Favorite Room // A Beautiful Blog for { THE HIVE }

My Favorite Room // A Beautiful Blog for { THE HIVE }

3. If you had to pick your favorite element in the room, what would it be?
I would have to say the dresser and crib. Not really because they “make” the room, but because my hubby and I had one of our best days tripping it to Ikea. We got the dresser, crib, picture frames and window panels for a steal! We grabbed lunch at West Egg before heading back to Birmingham (highly recommend!). Once home we started assembling the furniture while listening to the Braves opening game against the Cubs and eating $5 pizza. Literally one of my best memories.

My Favorite Room // A Beautiful Blog for { THE HIVE }

4. What’s your paint color?
Sherwin-Williams Useful Gray.

5. At what time of day do you most enjoy being in this room?
I love the early mornings in Sam’s room. The soft light is welcomed company for those early morning diaper changes 🙂

6. If you had to describe this room in three words, what would they be?
Playful. Sentimental. Peaceful. (Playful and peaceful are conflicting words I know, but depending what we are doing in the room they both apply!)

My Favorite Room // A Beautiful Blog for { THE HIVE }

7. Anything else you want us to know about your favorite room?
Designing this room was unlike designing any other room in our house. I like for our home to evolve over time and not to look like everything was purchased in one fell swoop. However, in this situation I had 9 months! I set a budget, decided on what items I could spurge on and which ones I could get for a deal (hello Ikea!). The glider ended up being our most expensive purchase and so glad we decided to do so because I spend a lot of time in that chair 🙂 We have had the best time watching Sam grow and enjoy his room!

My Favorite Room // A Beautiful Blog for { THE HIVE }

Thank you so much Katie!!! I love the theme of this room and Katie’s color choices. Seriously, such a cute room.

For other favorite rooms, check out The Wowie’s SummerHouse room, Mary Straton’s daughter’s nursery, and my master bedroom! And don’t worry, there are more favorite rooms to come! 🙂