Where It All Began…

Making stationery is something I’ve been doing off and on for probably 5 or 6 years now, but it wasn’t until last year that I decided to name my line The Lovely Bee. I started thinking back to what exactly inspired me to choose this name for my company, and it’s sort of a neat story!

My fascination with bees started back in 2007 when one of my besties, Lindsey, and I lived in Oxford, England (NOT Mississippi!) right after college. We went through BUNAC (which I’m not sure even exists anymore) but it was a great company that hooked us up with temporary work visas and helped us get our feet on the ground for a few months of working abroad. (I was a waitress/barista and she was a mystery shopper… We had some awesome jobs!)

A page from the scrapbook I made of our time in England

Here’s a page from our time in England. The picture of us sipping tea is surefire proof that we were in jolly ol’ England at tea time! The sign on the fence represents my love for dog humor, English style!

During a day off in Oxford, we decided to visit the Oxford Botanical Gardens and really had a great time looking at all the beautiful plants. We also saw tons of BEES flying around from flower to flower, so I got a few pictures of these guys!

One of Oxford's botanical bees

One of Oxford’s botanical bees

It also so happened that I’d just finished a book called The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd (which is definitely one of my favorite books EVER.) The book became even more special after I learned that my mama had been reading the exact same book 7 time zones to the left at the exact same time I was! (If you’ve never read the book, I highly recommend it. The thing that made the divine timing of her and me reading this book at the same time was because the book is about the relationship between a mother and a daughter… SO COOL!) The book also gave me an appreciation for bees.

After becoming uniquely fascinated with these little buzzing creatures, my sweet husband (who was my boyfriend at the time) gave me a bee necklace for Christmas that year that I RARELY take off. I’ve been through three chains but have managed to keep from losing the bee charm through the years. It’s such a special piece of jewelry to me!!

I SO love this necklace!!

I SO love this necklace!!

When coming up with the name for the business I had such a passion for, I thought it might be a good idea to name it after something else that I’m crazy about, so BEES it was!

The Lovely Bee by Laurel

The Lovely Bee by Laurel

The bee in The Lovely Bee logo was hand drawn, as was the laurel wreath surrounding it. The laurel wreath was my mama’s idea, being that my name is Laurel and all. 🙂 Maybe one day The Lovely Bee will be able to afford a little logo update, but for now, it’s just perfect for where “we” (me and my shop dogs!) are as a company! Right now, I’m just so happy and so blessed to be able to get to do what I love!

Want Some FREE Stationery?!

Want some FREE stationery from The Lovely Bee?!

Well today is your lucky day. (AND it’s Friday! Could today get any better?!)

I want you to have the chance to win some free stationery before it even goes on sale! How do I win this free stationery, you ask? EASY!

Share The Love at The Lovely Bee for a chance to win FREE stationery!

Click on the image to get to the Facebook album!

Just head on over to The Lovely Bee’s Facebook page and share your favorite photo in the SHARE THE LOVE album! You could win something like what’s in these pictures… Wouldn’t it be great to have some hand-painted,
hand-crafted stationery of your very own?! 🙂

You could win this just by sharing this photo on Facebook! You could win this just by sharing this photo on Facebook! You could win this just by sharing this photo on Facebook!

Hey Little Birdie!

Birdie, this cute little cut-out, is the newest addition to the Lovely Bee family! He is shown in pattern Walk The Line, color Shell + Ink as well as pattern Chevron, color Sunshine. These will be for sale once etsy is all set up and running!

Birdie by The Lovely Bee Stationery Birdie by The Lovely Bee Stationery
One mission of The Lovely Bee is to help you brighten up the mailboxes of those you love! 🙂

Bright and POPPIN!

Perusal of the new LonnyMag this month (which is a great issue, BTW) caused me to stumble upon POPPIN, a line of brightly colored office supplies (and who doesn’t love pretty office supplies?!) Lonny’s spotlight included a lineup of beautiful tape despensers, so clicking through to the POPPIN site to see what else was available was a must!

POPPIN office supplies are the cutest!

It was THIS image that caused the click-through

While there, I found some REALLY great office goodies, and all at what I would consider to be very reasonable prices! Here are a couple of my faves!

Yellow Tape Dispenser from POPPIN

Of course I love the colorful tape despensers. They’re only $12 AND they come with free tape! { win + win }

One Subject Notebook, in Fiesta Print from POPPIN

Not sure color blocking is going anywhere for a while… Love this Fiesta Print notebook!

After a’clickin and a’clickin, I found the Design-A-Desk page. THIS. was fun. It gives you a desk of colorless POPPIN items and you get to pick your colors to see what your very own custom POPPIN-enhanced desk could look like! Here’s my before and after:

Design-A-Desk at POPPIN


Design-A-Desk at POPPIN, with color!

AFTER! I love this! I love the beautiful bold colors they offer. And of course I love the white options too. Although red isn’t just my favorite color ever, I had to go with a red stapler to pay homage to Milton from Office Space. He sure was nuts about that stapler, wasn’t he!?

I hope you have as much fun clicking around on the POPPIN site as I did!
Here’s to office supplies!

{ patterns & colors }

I had some fun over the weekend playing with a couple of new color combos! The two that ended up being my favorite were the ones in the pictures…

The first one is called Shell + Ink, which is a pretty navy blue and coraly pink/orange pairing. The other is called Summer and is that same pretty coral color paired with a deep bright yellow!

Pattern: Walk The Line. Colorway: Shell + Ink

Pattern: Walk The Line. Colorway: Shell + Ink

Pattern: Raindrops. Colorway: Summer

Pattern: Raindrops. Colorway: Summer

The test cut-outs were Highest Heels (the shoe) and My Heart Belongs to Mississippi (which I hope is obvious!)

The new colorways as demonstrated on Highest Heels and My Heart Belongs to Mississippi

The new colorways as demonstrated on Highest Heels and My Heart Belongs to Mississippi

My Heart Belongs to Mississippi in Raindrops Summer

My Heart Belongs to Mississippi in Summer Raindrops

Highest Heels in Walk The Line Shell + Ink

Highest Heels in Walk The Line Shell + Ink

A look through cyan colored glasses...

A look through cyan colored glasses…

What other color combinations do y’all think would look good? I’m always always always open to suggestions and would greatly appreciate your input! 🙂

By the way, I’m officially setting a date for myself to have an ETSY store up and running! That date is SEPTEMBER 29! There, I said it out loud. Now that that’s done, I’ll have a little more accountability/motivation/pressure to get things in order!

I’ll try to keep y’all posted in the meantime! Thanks for the moral support! 🙂

My Heart Belongs to Mississippi

I’m so excited about the latest Lovely Bee design! Since Mississippi is the place I call home, it just seemed natural to do a Mississippi stencil! I’m still working on perfecting and naming this colorway, but wanted to go ahead and share the idea!

That’s it for me until Monday, I think! Have a great weekend!

Favorite Friday Find: Vintage Designs

My favorite find this week on Pinterest is a collection of vintage designs. The vintage Christmas design was pinned by my friend Kate over at Little Things Studio (her stuff is FINE if you’re not familiar!) and the collection of old crayon boxes was a random repin from… oh… I have no idea.

Favorite Friday Find: Vintage designs

I’ve been in the Christmas spirit this week for some reason (Example: A Perry Como Christmas song came on my iTunes yesterday and I didn’t skip it…) and both of these designs amplify my wish for Christmas to hurry up and get here! The crayons scream “stocking stuffer from the 50’s” and the old-school card with the jolly fella holding the words is an obvious reminder of my fav-o holiday!

These are just two of many vintage desings I’ve fallen in love with recently…. Isn’t it fun to look back and see how designs of all types cycle in and out of style? Love it!

Over at Always Summer…

So there’s another blog that I contribute to called Always Summer… It’s the blog for the most fabulous furniture store + interior design firm of all time: SummerHouse. This gorgeous shop is located in little bitty Ridgeland, MS, which people don’t normally associate with style and fabulousness, but I’m here to tell you that this shop is both stylish and fabulous AND… ONE OF A KIND! Especially around these parts!

Their most recent blog post is about a home in Eastover, one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in Jackson, and the photos are “drop dead” as my friend Elish says 😉

Here’s a teaser. Check out the full post here!

Sophistication to a TEE!

Sophistication to a TEE!