Fashinspiration Marathon, Part III :: Bullseye

Today is the final lap of our fashinspiration marathon! I’ve actually had a lot of fun with this… I hope you have too!! It’s always fun to see what Elish throws together… She’s seriously got such a talent!

Ok here is numba three…


Bullseye // { THE HIVE }

Elish says, “The designer collaborations with Target are a highlight of any trip I make to my local red and white hot spot. No matter what item I’m there for, I immediately beeline to the left straight for the women’s clothing section.”

Bullseye // { THE HIVE }

“I saw this shirt but, being the occasionally mildly responsible person I am, decided to wait a while before purchasing. Lo and behold, a few weeks later I returned and found my size on sale! Meant to be, obviously.”

Bullseye // { THE HIVE }

Bullseye // { THE HIVE }

Necklace: Anthropologie
Tunic Top: Kirna Zabete for Target
Leggings: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Urban Outfitters

Numba 1 and numba 2 are worth checking out, too, in the event you missed those!

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Y’all be careful out there!

Fashinspiration Marathon, Part II :: Royals

Today is day two of our nearly-forgotten yet totally post-worthy fashinspiration marathon! (See yesterday’s post here if you missed that one!)

Without any further adieu, I give you…


Here’s what the fashionista herself has to say about this look…!

“This royal blue lace skirt is a great mixer! A little texture on bottom pushes the fun, printed swing top to the next level.”


“I liked this look because it was an odd mix of casual and glam that somehow worked.”



Sunglasses: Rayban
Top: Libby Story
Skirt: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Zara

Be sure to come back for part 3 tomorrow! And don’t forget to check out part 1 from yesterday!

Have a great day — Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

Fashinspiration: Make It A Double!

Since I’m a bit behind on getting some fun Elish looks posted, I figured I’d do TWO today! I didn’t think anyone would mind a little extra dose of fashinspiration! 😉

I love the simplicity of this first look…
Take it away, Elish!

Fashinspiration | The Lovely Bee

“Well, I moved recently, and every time I move and pack up my closet I find clothes that I haven’t worn in a while or that get forgotten that need to be used! I found this little vintage sleeveless sweater top that I hadn’t worn in a long time and thought I should put it to better use than folded at the bottom of a drawer.”

Fashinspiration | The Lovely Bee

“I remember scrambling to get ready that morning. I’ve come to realize some of the most “me”, effortless looks are when I’m in a rush and going on instinct. Although I’m a major planner, I never lay out an outfit to wear for the next day. It is usually a wasted effort for me.”

Fashinspiration | The Lovely Bee Fashinspiration | The Lovely Bee

“I think your signature style is what comes naturally, so never force a look. Nothing looks better than confidence!”

AMEN, missy! Ok now for this second, equally as awesome yet rather different look… E sent me these pictures from her mini girl’s trip/NYE vacay in Nashville! Her look that day was ROCKIN’!

The Lovely Bee

Love the action photo!

“This is a pic in Franklin, TN’s Emmaline Boutique! “For the modern woman who simply loves to be a girl” So adorable!”

The Lovely Bee

“Dressed for chilly, rainy weather in the quaint town of Franklin– New Year’s Eve sightseeing was a blast with our fabulous hostess Macey Baird! I stayed warm in lots of layers and my new Zara coat, which is quickly becoming my favorite winter coat. For lunch we took a short break at Franklin Mercantile Deli – serving everything from the Guacamento, a combo of guacamole and pimento cheese sandwich, to their noteworthy fruit tea. All in all, a fun day playing tourist spent in some relaxed “weekend” wear!”

The Lovely Bee

Top & Necklace:: Anthropologie
Jeans:: Urban Outfitters
Boots:: Bronx
Jacket:: Zara

In love! Of course! What else is new? 🙂
As always, many thanks to the super stylish Elish Phares for letting me drool over her style on what seems to be becoming a daily basis! xo

Colored + Patterned Denim Fashinspiration

I hope all of you had a lovely weekend! I know I did! My husband and I got back late last night from a long weekend in Las Vegas… We had a blast! (More on that later…)


Quick shot from the top of Mandalay Bay in Vegas. A few more photos later!

I found myself in need of some fashion+inspiration this morning so of course I turned to Elish! After seeing this exact pair of jeans for sale at Urban Outfitters over the weekend, I got extra excited about sharing this look today!


Elish, tell us about this awesome ensemble! 

“So… I don’t like jeans… On me personally. Just a weird phobia I try to work around. I never feel quite myself in them and avoid them if at all possible. Anyway, when I DO find a pair I can get excited about, it’s a big deal!”


“I was in New Orleans last weekend for Color Run and found these! High waist, skinny, and a fun pattern. SOLD. When I find a pair that fit almost like leggings, I try to pair them with either a baggy top or a longer tunic top. Voila!”

elish1The rundown:

Hat: Old
Scarf: New York street vendor
Vest: Orange Peel
Shirt: Gap
Jeans: Urban Outfitters
Booties: Libby Story

Thanks Elish! You’re the best!

I’ll try to get some photos from Vegas up in the next day or two. Can’t wait to share all of the family-friendly (for the most part) stuff we did there! Have a great Monday!

Weekly Fashinspiration With Elish, Installment One

Ok y’all… I’m REALLY excited about this! My adorable and ridiculously stylish friend Elish has agreed to by my muse here at The Lovely Bee and let me take pictures of/with her once a week to post here to serve as a weekly dose of what I like to call “fashinspiration!” (which of course means fashion inspiration. It’s a new compound word! :))

I’m so thankful she’s agreed to do this… Maybe this will get her in the habit of dressing and being photographed for her own blog one day?! I know I’d love it if she’d blog about her amazing style on a regular basis, and I promise y’all would love seeing her daily clothing choices daily, too!

We went out to eat last week with the SummerHouse family and Elish was looking fabulous as always, so here’s our inaugural Fashinspiration by Elish! (That would be her on the right– The extra adorable one!!)

Fashinspiration from Elish!

Fashinspiration from Elish!

Fashinspiration by Elish

A better look at her duds. Please excuse the left side of my body for abstructing the view! 🙂


1. Can you tell us a little more about your look in general?
“I’m wearing a dress as a top, snakeskin leggings, and a vintage belt. I like to be comfortable but pulled together for work.”
2. If you had to describe your look in few words, what words would you use?
“Tailored with an edge…clean lines roughed up a little.”
3. Are you channeling anyone or is this look an Elish original? 🙂
“Original… My dress was a little short but I was dying to wear it so I improvised!”
4. Can you tell us specifically about a couple of the pieces you’re wearing?
“My dress is from topshop, my leggings are from urban outfitters, and my belt is vintage.”
5. Anything else you want to say about this amazing look?!
“This look was a jumpstart on my fall inspirations: luxe textures, any jewel tone with a gray undertone, and classic gold.”
THANK YOU, ELISH! Stay tuned for another great look next week!